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User:Enrique Pérez Herrero/EulerPhi-Divisor

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Diophantine Equations including Divisor Function

Sequences in OEIS

Diophantine Equations Related to Divisor Function
Equation Sequence Id
A112954, A112955, A175667


The Number of Solutions is Finite

  • Upper bound for :

  • Lower bound for :

Mathematica Code:

tauUpperBound[n_] := n^(2/3);
phiLowerBound[n_] := n/(Exp[EulerGamma]*Log[Log[n]] + 3/(Log[Log[n]]));
SolutionsBound[k_Integer] := Part[Floor[n/.NSolve[Abs[k*tauUpperBound[n]-phiLowerBound[n]] == 0, n, Reals]], 2]

(* Code for ploting phi(n)=tau(n) with bounds*)
g1 = ListPlot[Table[EulerPhi[n], {n, 1, 200}], Joined -> True];
g2 = ListPlot[Table[DivisorSigma[0, n], {n, 1, 200}], Joined -> True, 
 PlotStyle -> Red];
g3 = Plot[{tauUpperBound[n], phiLowerBound[n]}, {n, 5, 200}, 
 PlotStyle -> {Red, Blue}];
Show[g1, g2, g3]

Piltz-Phi Equation.gif

Bound for solutions
k Sequence Bound A175667(k) A112955(k)
1 A020488 103 1 30 {1, 3, 8, 10, 18, 24, 30}
2 A062516 996 5 120 {5, 9, 15, 28, 40, 72, 84, 90, 120}
3 A063469 3746 7 210 {7, 21, 26, 56, 70, 78, 108, 126, 168, 210}
4 A063470 9525 34 420 {34, 45, 52, 102, 140, 156, 252, 360, 420}
5 - 19568 11 330 {11, 33, 88, 110, 198, 264, 330}
6 - 35158 13 840 {13, 35, 39, 63, 76, 104, 105, 130, 228, 234, 280, 312, 390, 504, 540, 630, 840}


  • 1) If p=2k+1 is a prime then n=p is a solution of the equation and then A112954(k)>0 and also A112955(k)>0.
  • 2) If p=2k+1 is a prime distinct than 3, then n=3*p is also a solution.
  • 3) If p=2k+1 is a prime distinct than 5, then n=10*p is also a solution.
  • 4) If p=2k+1 is a prime >5, then n=30*p is also a solution.
  • 5) If p=2k+1 is a prime and k>1 there are no solutions for n<p.
  • 6) If , , and , then: .

  • 7) Supose that , is a solution to the equation , with the set of solutions for the case :

(Sequence A020488), it is posible to construct more solutions for the case , if , and like and are multiplicative arithmetical functions then: , so is also a solution to the equation.: .

(* This code displays new solutions from an already known one, using sequence A020488*)
S[n_]:=Select[{1, 3, 8, 10, 18, 24, 30}, CoprimeQ[#, n] &]*n

  • 8) If p=2k+1 is a prime >5 then , has at least 7 solutions: A112954(k) 7

  • 9) Conjecture:(False!!!) The equation , has no solution if is in the sequence: A119480, Numbers n such that the Bernoulli number B_{4n} has denominator 30.

if this conjecture holds then: A112954 (A119480(k)) =A112955(A119480(k)=0 ; (k>2)

Counterexample found:

  • 10) Conjecture:: if k>3 is a Sophie-Germain prime (A005384) then the problem has just 7 solutions, given by 7)
  • 11) If p=4k+1 is a prime then 2p is a solution for k.
  • 12) If p=3k+1 is prime then 4p is a solution for k.
