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User:Adam Arthur Murrin

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I'm a disabled individual with autism, no background worth speaking of, too poor to afford academia, and my only noteworthy contribution to human knowledge so far is being credited as a local expert in an undergrad (if I recall correctly) history paper for Memorial University (of Newfoundland and Labrador) which was about Cherry Lodge (I spotted some hops in the local park hops are not native here, a rabbit hole ensued.).

If you're looking at this application, know that the one sequence I have found that is not in this database so far is something I stumbled on because I was dense enough to forget that two was an irrational number. It lead somewhere new though, and so here I am, trying to submit at number sequence at 0300 local time because if I go to bed before plugging in this formula, it's going to bother me until I wake up.