\\ known Andre permutations (0 = empty permutation) andre = [0]; \\ encode a permutation (in base 10) encode(p) = fromdigits(Vec(p)) \\ is known Andre permutation? is(p) = setsearch(andre, encode(p)) \\ index of 1 one(p) = for (k=1, oo, if (p[k]==1, return (k))) \\ flatten permutation (so that the domain is 1..#p) flatten(v) = { my (w=Set(v)); apply(k -> setsearch(w, k), Vec(v)) } \\ check if p is an Andre permutation checked = [0] nb = 0 check(p) = { my (ok=0); if (#p<=1, ok = 1, my (mi=one(p)); if (mi<#p && vecmax(p[mi+1..#p])==#p && is(flatten(p[1..mi-1])) && is(flatten(p[mi+1..#p])), ok = 1 ); ); if (ok, if (#checked