# This is the b144616.txt text file. # A144616: Denominators of integral specified in program line. # Search limit: 00000000. There # Dated 06 November 2013. 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 467807924720320453655260875000 9 17708695394150597647449176493763755467520000000 10 8096800377970649960875919032857634716820075076062381575000000 11 2051564503724359411435325207087513361930253427318374450656960000000000 12 37193188390019359679267753038304609065247968318560293442237453760993482625662395625000000 13 5431113911376064346013898379192680475298012990888015359173701456675706968166358939600745000000000000000000000 # This is the end of the b text file.