Comments on A160910 From: Richard Mathar Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 19:10:30 +0200 The current entry of 0.237251058 seems to be incorrect in at least three decimal digits. I guess it is defined as the sum over all 1/A001359(n)^2+1/A006512(n)^2. Gathering twin primes up to prime(1070000) the constant is at least 0.23725177606 . Someone with some spare computer cycles---not the cycles that spin the computer and the earth around the sun in a year but the other, quicker ones--- might test whether the 0.23725177 may turn to 0.23725178 later on. Richard Mathar snapshots of results: prime(900000) 0.23725177594... prime(1290000) 0.23725177616... Digits := 40 ; x := 0.0 ; for n from 1 do p := ithprime(n) ; if isprime(p+2) then x := evalf(x+1/p^2+1/(p+2)^2) ; fi; if n mod 10000 = 0 then print(n,x) ; fi; od: _______________________________________________ Date: Sun, 31 May 2009 09:29:23 +0430 From: Farideh Firoozbakht No, 0.23725177 may not turn to 0.23725178. Because, prime(100,000,000) 0.237251776574074... prime(110,000,000) 0.237251776574342... prime(120,000,000) 0.237251776574562... prime(130,000,000) 0.237251776574746... So the constant c is less than 0.237251776574747 + lim(sum(1/k^2,{k, prime(130,000,001), n}, n -> infinity) < 0.237251776574747 + 3.72376*10^(-10) < 0.237251776947124 Hence 0.237251776574746 < c < 0.237251776947124 and we conclude that the first nine terms of the sequence are: 2, 3, 7, 2, 5, 1, 7, 7, 6 Rigards, Farideh _______________________________________________ Date: Tue, 02 Jun 2009 02:54:25 +0430 From: Farideh Firoozbakht We can show that a(9)=6, a(10)=5 and a(11) is in the set {7, 8, 9}. Proof: s1 = 0.237251776576249072... is the sum up to prime(499,000,000) s2 = 0.237251776576250009... is the sum up to prime(500,000,000). By using the fact that number of twin primes between the first 10^6*n primes and the first 10^6*(n+1) primes is decreasing (up to first 2*10^9 primes), we conclude that the sum up to prime(2000,000,000)is less than s2+1500*(s2-s1). But since s2-s1 < 10^(-15) so the sum up to prime(2*10^9) is less than s2 + 1.5*10^(-12) = 0.237251776576250009... + 1.5*10^(-12) = 0.237251776577550009... . Hence the constant c is less than 0.237251776577550009... + lim(sum(1/k^2,{k, prime(2,000,000,001), n}, n -> infinity) < 0.237251776577550009... + 2.12514*10^(-11) < 0.237251776598801409. So we have 0.237251776576250009 < c < 0.237251776598801409, hence a(9)=6, a(10)=5 and a(11) is in the set {7, 8, 9}. I guess that a(11)=7. ---Farideh _______________________________________________ Date: Wed, 03 Jun 2009 08:25:58 +0200 From: Hagen von EItzen Your error term sum_{k > N} 1/k^2 < 1/(N-1) can be slightliy improved without using additional primes: Modulo 2*3*5*...*23, only a proportion of 405/5681 of residue classes can contain twin primes. By summing only over these classes, the error term can be redueced to 405/5681 * 1/(N-2*3*...*23) If I'm not wrong, this makes c < 0.2725177657771 Hagen